Thursday, September 12, 2019

Formal Email (Self Introduction)

Subject: Self-Introduction Email

Dear Professor Brad,

I am Darren Tan, a year 1 student from your Technical Communication 1 module. I am currently pursuing a degree in Telematics at the Singapore Institute of Technology. Previously, I graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a diploma in Infocomm Security Management where I learned about coding, computer networking, hacking and other various IT related modules.

The world of computers and technology has intrigued me from my youth, never failing to amaze me with its continuous growth and evolution. I started off with self-taught HTML code, the feeling of coding something out of nothing was great and my interest in programming rapidly increased from there. With so much change and improvement in technology, how could I not be curious as to how the devices around me work? It was because of my ever-growing curiosity about the IT world that drove me to join the IT sector.

Regarding communication, one of my strengths would be that I can understand what the other party is trying to convey easily. Through numerous discussions that I have had in previous project meetings, discussions and even arguments, I am usually the one to decipher any possible misunderstandings and clearly explain it to the other party.

However, one of my weaknesses in communicating would be my constant use of the word “erm”. This can be very unprofessional in work meetings and especially at interviews. Even when I am actively trying to speak in proper English, I may end up accidentally adding it to my sentence.

Through my time in this module, I hope to not only shake my bad habit of using “erm” but also to improve my communication skills to be able to use it in the future. I look forward to learning from you over the coming lessons and hope that they will be as interesting and informative as the first one!

Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,


  1. Dear Darren,

    Thank you for this clear, concise and yet fairly complete letter of introduction. You elaborate on each of the points required for the assignment in some detail. I appreciate, for example, learning something about your fascination for "computers and technology," though it might have been good for you to mention a specific area of interest that you have done research in or that you study on your own. That sort of detail would then allow you to differentiate yourself from others.

    You do explain clearly your communication strengths and weaknesses with fine examples, and you provide relevant info on one of your goals for the module.

    In terms of language use, this letter is fluent with only one minor point to consider: ... how could I not be curious as to how the devices around me work. > (punctuation)

    I look forward to learning more from you this term.



  2. Dear Prof Brad,

    Thank you for your feedback!
    I have edited and made the changes.

